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Edgar Chagwa Lungu

Date of Birth: 11/11/1956
Place of Birth: Ndola

Displaying 21-30 out of 106 results.

Betting the farm on winning

The Zanaco loan is to fund a two-year $131m FISP contract signed last year with Zambian company Neria's Investments Ltd an inputs supplier whose owners are close to President Edgar Lungu...


Mboweni's budget choice – austerity or bust

Ramaphosa's public putdown of Mboweni for tweeting against Zambia's President Edgar Lungu's decision to sack central bank governor Denny Kalyalya in August gave many ANC leaders licence to attack him (AC Vol 61 No 17 The governor and the guv'nor)...

Election-mania takes hold

Yet sources in Lusaka and Washington alike call it a cosmetic exercise a programme designed only to buy the government time while all the efforts of the ruling Patriotic Front and government ministers direct themselves to re-electing President Edgar Lungu and increasing their majority in parliament...

Two days that changed nothing

President Edgar Lungu requested a Fund programme on 8 December but observers think this was for show...

Creditors fume as the beat goes on

There is little sign that President Edgar Lungu's government will produce a credible debt-restructuring plan acceptable to both Western and Chinese lenders...

The governor and the guv'nor

Giving no reason President Edgar Lungu sacked the respected governor of the central bank the Bank of Zambia Denny Kalyalya replacing him with Christopher Mvunga formerly Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet...

Unhealthy ambition

Once one of President Edgar Lungu's closest allies and considered by many his most likely successor – or at least his running mate in next year's general election – Chitalu Chilufya is suddenly yesterday's man having been arrested on corruption charges (AC Vol 60 No 23 Intrigue at State House & Vol 59 No 8 As the debts balloon Lungu avoids the spotlight)...

Gangs of the Copperbelt

As so often in Zambia's elections the Copperbelt will be decisive in next year's general elections and President Edgar Lungu's Patriotic Front (PF) is facing an uphill battle there...

On the brink of sovereign default

On 14 April an open letter from a group of distinguished Zambian economists – including President Edgar Lungu's former Finance Minister Felix Mutati – pleaded with the government to work with the IMF because 'the economy is on the verge of collapse' saying the budget is 'in disarray' and that the 'government needs to act now'...

A million face-masks financed by the Presidential Empowerment Initiative Fund are stamped with the PF logo and banners on campaign lorries proclaim 'We can fight Covid-19 together with ECL [Edgar Chagwa Lungu] 2021'...

Displaying 21-30 out of 106 results.