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Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Date of Birth: 29/11/1955
Place of Birth: Central Hiran region

Displaying 21-30 out of 105 results.

Hargeisa's bloody own goal

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has bigger fish to fry keeping his anti-Al Shabaab offensive on track and Puntland has no reason to be in Las Anod because it does not support the goal of self-government there – it wants the region to be part of Puntland...

Al Shabaab lashes out after heavy losses

The horrific Al Shabaab bombing in Mogadishu on 29 October which killed 100 and wounded more than 400 showed the jihadists' defiance in the face of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's new government which has promised to redouble the counter-insurgency campaign intelligence sources are saying (AC Vol 63 No 12 Hassan Sheikh takes Mogadishu by storm)...

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud strongly pushed for the Soma deal when he was in office eight years ago...

Gulf states vie for position in region

The latest shift is the United Arab Emirates's apparent victory over Qatar in their tug-of-war in the Horn after the election in Mogadishu of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (AC Vol 63 No 12 Hassan Sheikh takes Mogadishu by storm)...

Behaving like an imperialist and ignoring Somali political dynamics is likely to play badly for Abiy and adds to pressures on President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud...

Food crisis deepens as world looks to Ukraine

The worsening drought and food crisis in Somalia – where someone is likely to die every 48 seconds from acute hunger linked to conflict according to British aid agencies – presents President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud with harsh choices (Dispatches 15/7/22 Drought and fall-out from Moscow's war may trigger catastrophic famine)...


Hassan Sheikh seeks new foreign allies

With funding and diplomatic attention diverted to Ukraine President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and his fellow leaders in the Horn of Africa are trying to manage the region's security crises the worst drought in four decades and spiralling grain prices (AC Vol 63 No 16 Economic cooperation falters as growth set to fall again)...

BUST-UP IN BOSSASO While President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was on his regional tour rival security units clashed at Bossaso port in Puntland on 11 July leaving 20 dead and highlighting tensions between Mogadishu and one of the most important Federal Member States...

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud sought on his recent visit to Asmara to clear up the saga of the 5 000 young Somalis sent to Eritrea for 'training'...

Displaying 21-30 out of 105 results.