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Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Date of Birth: 29/11/1955
Place of Birth: Central Hiran region

Displaying 91-100 out of 105 results.

Diplomatic diversions

The second speaker Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud commended the peaceful elections saying that this was critical to stability in his own country thereby backing the second argument...

Hassan Sheikh at the wheel

Nevertheless British Prime Minister David Cameron was keen to tell the world that ‘the international community has united around Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’ and that ‘remarkable’ progress had been made against Al Haraka al Shabaab al Mujahideen who had been ‘driven out of town after town’...

Progress but...

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s new government is leading on the Plan and using the Bank’s expertise...

Deferring democracy

Since Hassan Sheikh Mohamud became President last September however and even more since he appointed Abdi Farah Shirdon ‘Said’ as Prime Minister Puntland has been isolated from federal-level politics (AC Vol 53 No 19 New president new laws and old enemies)...

The recognition blues

When the United States officially recognised the new government of Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on 20 January there was dancing in the streets of Mogadishu but there was misery in Hargeisa at least among its rulers...

Regional alliances shifting

For weeks diplomats in Kenya have fretted about the brewing discord between President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia and Mwai Kibaki of Kenya...

The longer war

Optimism was high last September when President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud took office and appointed a cabinet led by Abdi Farah Shirdon ‘Said’ (AC Vol 53 No 22 Not yet spring in Mogadishu)...

Northern parts

Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has given no indication that his government will hold meaningful discussions with the Hargeisa government over the issue of recognition and both Puntland and Somaliland seem resigned to focus on domestic policies...

Africa's bidding war

Prime Minister Abe Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and representatives of 16 other countries convened the Special Conference on Somalia on 31 May...

Displaying 91-100 out of 105 results.