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Joseph Kony

Date of Birth: 1961

Displaying 51-60 out of 78 results.

Double war

What is certain is that the LRA's leader Joseph Kony remains armed active and living in National Islamic Front-controlled areas of southern Sudan...

No mistake

This disrupts SPLA relations with Uganda where President Yoweri Museveni is increasingly criticised as Joseph Kony's rebels commit renewed atrocities...

Colonel Kizza's story

Besigye's stand against Museveni in the 2001 elections converted him into public enemy number one and is now routinely blamed for everything from Kigali's military posturing against Uganda to Joseph Kony's killer rebels in northern Uganda...

In come the vigilantes

The advance of Joseph Kony's dreaded Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) towards Soroti the main town of eastern Teso region has shocked the government and caught the army by surprise...

Mwai and Moi make history

Now based in Gulu in Northern Uganda Museveni and Army Commander General James Kazini have staked their reputations on defeating Joseph Kony and the LRA...

Don't praise the lord

At daybreak on 5 August a group of Lord's Resistance Army rebels led by Joseph Kony attacked a refugee camp at Acol-Pii in northern Uganda killed over 50 civilians and stole food drugs and military equipment...

Soldiers of tomorrow

Joseph Kony's rebels have again turned Acholiland into a killing field...

Beware false profits

Such reference to the Holy Spirit (in Christianity one of the three principal manifestations of God) raises the spectre of violence and manipulation existing around Alice Lakwena's Holy Spirit Army later to become ex-Catholic cathechist Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda...

The Carlos card

President Yoweri Museveni longs to be rid of Joseph Kony's murderous LRA...

Displaying 51-60 out of 78 results.