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Gideon Moi

Date of Birth: 1964

Displaying 21-30 out of 48 results.

The one-party statesmen

Days before the State House purge the Kenyatta faction had formalised Jubilee's coalition agreement with KANU whose leader Gideon Moi is considered a useful counterweight to Ruto in the Rift Valley; it is too early to tell whether Moi is being mooted as Kenyatta's successor...

The fight for Jubilee

Moi's son Baringo Senator Gideon Moi who continues to contest Ruto's status as the Kalenjin kingpin has described a Kenyatta-Odinga political pact as 'a sure bet'...

Bridge of sighs

Ruto retains broad support among his Kalenjin people although he is challenged for supremacy from Gideon Moi and Joshua Kutuny...


Belt, road and pork barrel

It would be the first Kikuyu/Luo alliance since 2002 and even some Kalenjin politicians who oppose Ruto such as Gideon Moi and Joshua Kutuny seem likely to join in...

Three's a crowd

But he continues to watch his back in the Rift Valley where fellow Kalenjin Gideon Moi (son of ex-President Daniel arap Moi) is determined to spoil his act by running for the presidency in alliance with Odinga's former running mates Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi (a Luhya) and possibly Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka who still commands a considerable following among the Kamba...


Raila rebounds

In mid-April he visited former President Moi 'for talks on the Kenyan nation' in the presence of the current KANU leader and Moi's son Gideon Moi...

Hanging on a handshake

One object of Ruto supporters' attack is Gideon Moi son of former President Daniel arap Moi and a long-time Ruto opponent...

Speculation at the time was that Odinga was thinking about 2022 and a possible ticket of Gideon Moi and his daughter Winnie Odinga to garner the Kalenjin and Luo vote...

Uhuru spends, Raila promises

With these handouts and wads of campaign cash under the table Jubilee brought four more smaller parties under its wing at Bomas: the once ruling Kenya African National Union (KANU) under Gideon Moi (son of ex-President Daniel arap Moi) the National Alliance Rainbow Coalition (under Martha Karua) Maendeleo Chap Chap (led by Machakos County's talented Governor Alfred Nganga Mutua) and the predominantly Mandera-Somali Economic Freedom Party...

NASA for launch

Senator Gideon Moi leader of KANU (the party of his father ex-President Daniel arap Moi) is believed to have been offered a senior post in Nasa and with Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto could split the Kalenjin vote...

Jubilee unites ahead of poll

His opponents include the family of Daniel arap Moi fronted by the former President's son Senator Gideon Moi who has insisted that their KANU party will not merge with Jubilee (AC Vol 57 No 18 Moi après Kenyatta...

Displaying 21-30 out of 48 results.