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Daniel Toroitich arap Moi (Nyayo)

Date of Birth: 2 September 1924
Place of Birth: Sacho, Baringo County
Died: 4 February 2020

Displaying 31-40 out of 323 results.


Grandees at the memorial, a hustler in Mombasa

If funerals are Kenyan politicians' favourite platform for campaigning the memorial service to mark the anniversary of former President Daniel arap Moi's death in Nakuru was the next best thing (AC Vol 61 No 6 The fight for Jubilee)...


The Kenyatta-Odinga deal starts fraying

The growing prominence of Gideon Moi son of late President Daniel arap Moi in the succession matrix we understand should be taken seriously...

A big tent for Moi's children

' And then Mudavadi once the country's youngest Finance Minister the last of Daniel arap Moi's vice-presidents and later a deputy prime minister – in short a creature of the establishment if ever there was one – quoted Rev Martin Niemöller 'First they came for the socialists and I did not speak out…' All this was true and nobody else was saying it...

Genocide manhunt goes on

Kabuga received protection there on the orders of President Daniel arap Moi which continued well into the presidency of Mwai Kibaki (AC Vol 44 No 2 The Unbwogables)...

The fight for Jubilee

The death and funeral of ex-President Daniel arap Moi last month may have united political leaders in an outbreak of praise but the bitter struggle for control of the governing Jubilee party was only briefly put on hold...

Three's a crowd

But he continues to watch his back in the Rift Valley where fellow Kalenjin Gideon Moi (son of ex-President Daniel arap Moi) is determined to spoil his act by running for the presidency in alliance with Odinga's former running mates Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi (a Luhya) and possibly Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka who still commands a considerable following among the Kamba...


Populists hack at the budget

She claimed that the poll was cooked up by those scared of a powerful potential ticket offering Ruto with herself as running mate and declared that she was not as corrupt as ex-President Daniel arap Moi...

Raila rebounds

In 1997 Odinga abandoned the robust pro-democracy opposition to join the Kenya African National Union (KANU) the political organ of President Daniel arap Moi's rule becoming its secretary general in 2002 supplanting the young William Ruto from the secretary general's seat – over which he has held a burning grudge ever since we are told...

A deluge of injustice

Previously he enjoyed business relations with ex-President Daniel arap Moi and two of his now deceased ministers Nicholas Biwott and former Vice-President George Saitoti (AC Vol 53 No 13)...

Displaying 31-40 out of 323 results.