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Ian Khama (Seretse Khama Ian Khama)

Date of Birth: 27/02/1953
Place of Birth: Chertsey, United Kingdom

Displaying 71-80 out of 83 results.

Khama digs in

President-in-Waiting Ian Khama Seretse Khama strengthened his position at July 's national congress of the governing Botswana Democratic Party of which he is Chairman (AC Vol 46 No 12)...

Factions and fractions

A compromise offered by Vice-President Ian Khama Seretse Khama designated successor to President Festus Mogae (AC Vol 45 No 23) has broken down...

For the greater Good

The paper criticises both what it calls the growth of autocracy and the way in which Mogae hand-picked Vice-President Ian Khama Seretse Khama to succeed him...

Pan-Africanism meets market economics

In 2008 Vice-President and Lieutenant-General Seretse Khama Ian Khama is due to take over from President Festus Mogae who followed the triumph of his Botswana Democratic Party at the October general election by appointing two new MPs with army backgrounds to the cabinet...

Khama's coming

It was predictably a vote for no change - until the Vice-President Lieutenant General Ian Khama Seretse Khama succeeds President Festus Mogae as head of state in just under four years' time...

As the son of the founder President Sir Seretse Khama Ian Khama is unstoppable...

Ten years after

The BDP will again be led by President Festus Mogae with Vice-President Ian Khama almost certain to follow in 2009...

Mogae plays the Khama card

The present team President Festus Gontebanye Mogae and the Vice-President Lieutenant General Seretse Ian Khama will use the BDP congress in Gantsi on 20-21 July to entrench their position against their party critics...

Kedikilwe resented being passed over for the vice-presidency in favour of Ian Khama when Mogae succeeded Sir Quett Ketumile Masire as President in 1998...

Looking down the line

In Botswana the prospect that Vice-President Ian Khama son of the first President Sir Seretse Khama and former head of the armed forces should succeed President Festus Mogae is still a divisive issue...

Following Festus

Mogae is popular but lacks the authority to end the feuding between the old guard led by party Chairman Ponatshego Kedikilwe and Foreign Affairs Minister Mompati Merafhe and Ian Khama...

All his own work

This both helped the BDP and reinforced Ian Khama's importance as a former commander of the Botswana Defence Force; he still has a military tendency to make decisions without consulting fully with colleagues as in his scrapping of the long-established community service programme...

Displaying 71-80 out of 83 results.