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Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

Date of Birth: 15 August 1944
Place of Birth: Ntungamo, Uganda

Displaying 501-505 out of 505 results.

Museveni's party piece

There is a growing feeling in Kampala that Yoweri Museveni President of Uganda and of the ruling National Resistance Movement will win this year's election only by an embarrassingly narrow margin...

A look ahead

President Yoweri Museveni's personal stock remains high even if scepticism is growing about his no-party politics...

Strategic, and shaky

Uganda's President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who is engaged in military struggle with the Khartoum-backed Lord's Resistance Army has also called for a new government in Khartoum and has supported the SPLA especially Garang for several years...

Battling for reconciliation

They are said to have disagreed with their boss over his 'protracted war' strategy dear to Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni...

Uganda: joined anti-Amin forces in Uganda went back to bush with Yoweri Museveni in 1981-1990; FPR Commander-in-Chief...

Displaying 501-505 out of 505 results.