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Alpha Condé

Date of Birth: 4 March 1938
Place of Birth: Boké, French Guinea (Guinea)

Displaying 31-40 out of 150 results.

Forced delay

Late on 28 February President Alpha Condé made an unexpected appearance on national television admitting he had been pressured into delaying the double poll he had called for 1 March...

Terminal turbulence

In his New Year address to the nation President Alpha Condé confirmed his plans to submit a new constitution to a popular referendum...

Iron back on track

SMB-Winning is committing to construct President Alpha Condé's longed-for Trans-Guinean railway line connecting the Simandou deposit to Guinea's Atlantic ports near Conakry...

Dancing the third-term tango

The idea that President Alpha Condé would get the required two-thirds parliamentary majority to change the constitution to allow him to seek a third term has always been far-fetched...

    Vol 60 No 21 |
  • TOGO

The price of legitimacy

Despite lengthy mediation by Presidents Nana Akufo Addo of Ghana and Alpha Condé of Guinea under the aegis of the Economic Community of West African States the government refused to budge on the constitutional amendments and the response of the opposition was to boycott the 2018 parliamentary elections...

Ghazouani’s modest mandate

This matters at a time when Togo's Faure Gnassingbé is fiercely resisting suggestions that he should quit in 2020 or even 2025 and Guinea's Alpha Condé appears to be preparing to amend the constitution so that he can run for a third successive five-year stint in office...

Condé bids for third term

President Alpha Condé's campaign to change the constitution to get himself a third term has now reached full steam as he exhorts his party's rank-and-file to 'prepare for battle' although he repeats that his decision to run or not would depend on 'the will of the people'...

A surprise reunion

The allegations of graft and contracts discovered by a committee set up in 2010 to investigate the situation saw Guinean President Alpha Condé strip the rights to mine the Zogota iron ore project as well as the other half of the Simandou deposit from BSGR and its joint venture partner Brazilian mining firm Vale in 2014...

With President Alpha Condé closely involved a consortium called Société Minière de Boké (SMD) – including partners from China Singapore Guinea and France – is on course to double Guinea's bauxite output only five years after its arrival...

Turks in troubled waters

The biggest bombshell was the open resignation letter of PAC Finance and Accounting director Ibrahim Kalil Keita addressed to President Alpha Condé...

He was sentenced to 13 days in prison and a $50 fine for defamation of the president and his son Mohamed Alpha Condé...

Adieu à Françafrique

Groupe Bolloré's communications subsidiary Havas has been accused of underbilling the Guinean President Alpha Condé's 2010 campaign for consultancy and communications fees as well as exercising undue influence over elections in Togo...

Displaying 31-40 out of 150 results.