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Filipe Jacinto Nyusi

Date of Birth: 09 February 1959
Place of Birth: Namaua, Mueda district, Cabo Delgado

Displaying 111-113 out of 113 results.

The race opens up

President Armando Guebuza's attempt to impose his shortlist – Agriculture Minister José Pacheco Defence Minister Filipe Nyusi and Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina – has failed...

Take me to your leader

The shortlist of Frelimo nominees for the candidacy are all seen as Guebuza yes-men: Agriculture Minister Jose Pacheco Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina and Defence Minister Filipe Nyusi...

Billions for all

But Maputo's relationship with Beijing is evolving beyond politics and economics: Defence Minister Filipe Nyussi was in Beijing in May to sign agreements on military cooperation and $3 mn...

Displaying 111-113 out of 113 results.