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Bingu wa Mutharika

Date of Birth: 24/02/1934
Place of Birth: Thyolo, Nyasaland
Died: 05/04/2012

Displaying 121-123 out of 123 results.

Spot the difference

The President appears to be using his business ties to help his chosen successor Bingu wa Mutharika into the presidency perhaps hoping to carry on pulling the strings from retirement...

Ten years after

President Bakili Muluzi constitutionally barred from a third term wants a smooth transition to his chosen successor Bingu wa Mutharika...

Getting rid of Muluzi

On 29 March 2003 Muluzi on his own initiative appointed Central Bank Deputy Governor Bingu wa Mutharika as sole presidential candidate for approval by the coming UDF convention...

Displaying 121-123 out of 123 results.