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Peter Mutharika

Date of Birth: 18 July 1940
Place of Birth: Thyolo, Malawi

Displaying 11-20 out of 60 results.

A shaky start for the new broom

At about 35% Chewa are the largest ethnic group in Malawi followed at 19% by the Lomwe which was the ethnic group of ex-President Peter Mutharika who lost to Chakwera in the presidential election...

Peter Mutharika has denied any connection to the affair...

Lazarus rising

While former President Peter Mutharika finally packed his bags and sought solace at an official government holiday residence on Lake Malawi newly elected President Lazarus Chakwera faces the same challenges that have foxed so many of his predecessors...

UTM Secretary-General Patricia Kaliati a veteran political warhorse who was in the cabinets of Bakili Muluzi Bingu wa Mutharika and Peter Mutharika is expecting to be appointed we hear (AC Vol 60 No 5 War of the running mates)...


Narrow gaps

Malawi's rerun presidential election on 23 June went off relatively peacefully and early returns as Africa Confidential went to press indicate that President Peter Mutharika has lost the election...

Poll chaos looms

Ansah was the focus of the opposition's fury ever since she declared victory for President Peter Mutharika in the May 2019 election which was annulled by the Constitutional Court on 3 February (AC Vol 60 No 11 Mutharika's narrow win & Vol 61 No 3 Shock ruling resets poll)...

Poll in a plague year

The new presidential election mandated by the Constitutional Court in February was always going to be bad news for President Peter Mutharika especially with the new requirement that the winner take over half of the popular vote...

Shock ruling resets poll

It is a body blow to the ruling Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) President Peter Mutharika who won the 21 May polls by 159 000 votes (AC Vol 60 No 11 Mutharika's narrow win)...

No let-up in post-election war

Lacking evidenceMost observers believe Chilima is hoping that the mass protests against President Peter Mutharika by the Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) would be enough to persuade the government to hold fresh elections...

Chaos helps Mutharika

Malawi's defeated oppositionists are taking different attitudes to May's disputed presidential polls and that appears to be playing into newly re-elected President Peter Mutharika's hands (AC Vol 60 No 11 Mutharika's narrow win)...

Mutharika’s narrow win

After a bitter though largely policy-free campaign in which the main candidates jockeyed for ethnically advantageous alliances while flinging accusations at each other the High Court finally awarded victory to President Peter Mutharika on 27 May (AC Vol 60 No 9 Campaign plumbs the depths)...

Displaying 11-20 out of 60 results.