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Armando Emílio Guebuza

Date of Birth: 20 January 1943
Place of Birth: Murrupula, Nampula Province

Displaying 131-140 out of 158 results.

Eat the document

This raises questions about involvement by Mozambican President Armando Guebuza an ally of SA President Thabo Mbeki and about a possible attempt to smear both Zuma and Sexwale...

Trouble in the neighbourhood

Instinctively Mozambique's President Armando Guebuza should back Mugabe's undemocratic centralism but that is not the technocratic market friendly image that Maputo's man now seeks...

Guebuza and governance

As the World Bank proclaims its 'leadership role in the fight against fraud and corruption' it has emerged that it has breached its own good governance rules by facilitating and endorsing the award of a state electricity contract to a company in which President Armando Guebuza has a substantial shareholding...

Succession sagas

The trial may also reveal more about President Armando Guebuza’s attitude to his predecessor Chissano...

Waiting in line

In Mozambique José Pacheco Interior Minister and close ally of President Armando Guebuza is predicted to be a cabinet reshuffle casualty when Guebuza returns from holiday in January...

Star-studded in Ouaga

That won approving nods from the heads of state in attendance: Burkina Faso's Blaise Compaoré; Liberia's Ellen Johnson Sirleaf; Rwanda's Paul Kagame; Mozambique's Armando Guebuza; Benin's Yayi Boni...

Remaking Guebuza

Armando Guebuza wants stronger surveillance both of the opposition and of his own government and party and is gathering more power than Chissano...

The Cahora Bassa takeover

On taking office in 2005 President Armando Guebuza announced that he wanted the matter resolved immediately...

Displaying 131-140 out of 158 results.