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Armando Emílio Guebuza

Date of Birth: 20 January 1943
Place of Birth: Murrupula, Nampula Province

Displaying 101-110 out of 158 results.

Guebuza’s new man

President Armando Guebuza has underlined his command of party and state by removing Prime Minister Aires Ali from his government job after he failed to hold on to his party post...

Partial win for Guebuza

The tenth Congress of the Frente de Libertação de Moçambique ended on 29 September but President Armando Guebuza did not get everything he wanted: he won’t be able to wait out a presidential term as Prime Minister before returning to the top job (the Putin option AC Vol 53 No 18)...

The Putin option

The 23 to 28 September congress of the governing Frente de Libertação de Moçambique will be the field of the battle to decide whether President Armando Guebuza can hold on to political power...

Conflicts of interest

President Armando Guebuza himself owns a vast business empire through his personal holding companies Gestores de Moçambique and Focus 21 and a reputed interest in Intelec (AC Vol 52 No 18 Taking a stake in economic development)...

Poll post-mortem shocks

Angered by what he found on a visit to the city in last August President Armando Guebuza summarily ordered Matos to resign (AC Vol 52 No 19 By-election business)...

Energy bonanza promises real financial independence

This ranges from reserving a role for CFM to key shareholdings in infrastructure companies such as Corredor de Desenvolvimento do Norte (CDN Northern Development Corridor) 51% of which is owned by holding company Insitec which is linked to President Armando Guebuza (AC Vol 52 No 18 Taking a stake in economic development & Celso Correia favourite son)...

Kim Hwang-sik

In Maputo Kim discussed investment in Mozambique’s natural gas reserves with Prime Minister Aires Ali and President Armando Guebuza...

Maputo’s pan-Asian business plan

President Armando Guebuza on an official state visit to Beijing in August pressed his Chinese partners for help on several priority projects including the Maputo/Catembe bridge and the Mutuali railway...

Return of the Chissanoistas

After seven years of consolidating his position Armando Emílio Guebuza now faces the failure of his bid to change the constitution to permit him a third term as president...

Comrades and compromisers

• Luísa Dias Diogo: a political heavyweight sidelined by Armando Guebuza after serving as his first Prime Minister she can count on considerable support in the party...

Displaying 101-110 out of 158 results.