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Macky Sall

Date of Birth: 11 December 1961
Place of Birth: Fatick, Senegal

Displaying 81-90 out of 161 results.

IMF backs rapid funds

President Macky Sall is determined on a campaign of strict controls to get a grip on the pandemic and is sending out a strong message...

Spoiling for a fight

Maada Bio's government could also be wary of the ongoing impact of a major scandal in Senegal involving Timis's obtaining of gas field licences for his company PetroTim and his close relationship with Senegalese President Macky Sall's brother Aliou...

Opposition out of sorts

Oumar Sarr whom Wade dismissed as Deputy General Secretary as punishment for joining President Macky Sall's national dialogue talks in May leads a growing dissident faction (AC Vol 55 No 4 Hunt loses momentum)...

There has been speculation that President Macky Sall might grant a pardon to Khalifa but that's unlikely so long as he presents a potential electoral threat...

Paris’s terror dilemma

Development in the Sahel will be a major theme of the G7 summit in Biarritz on 24-26 August to which Macron has invited Burkina's President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré as current chair of the G5 and other African presidents: Senegal's Macky Sall Rwanda's Paul Kagame South Africa's Cyril Ramaphosa the current African Union chair Abdel Fattah el Sisi and the AU commission chief Moussa Faki Mahamat...

An oily threat to Sall

Ever since BBC television's Panorama current affairs programme revealed apparent evidence that controversial British-based Australian/Romanian businessman Vasile Frank Timis made massive payments to President Macky Sall's brother Aliou Sall the political scene in Senegal has been in turmoil...


Pushing out the privateers

Timis's association with Aliou Sall a one-time employee of Timis's Senegalese company PetroTim and the brother of Senegalese President Macky Sall has long been the subject of local controversy (AC Vol 56 No 18 Timis under scrutiny)...

Macky Sall won February's general election and a second term with a mandate to realise the country's oil and gas potential (AC Vol 60 No 5 Sall romps home)...

Sall romps home

President Macky Sall took 59% of the vote in the presidential election making a second round unnecessary...

Macky wants first round KO

President Macky Sall may be about to pick up an unlikely gift from an old foe...

It appeared all the more irresponsible after three people died in Tambacounda in the east after an activist putting up Macky Sall posters was stabbed...

Sall safe for second term

President Macky Sall is unlikely to need a second round to secure re-election in February...

Macky Sall is likely to campaign on the huge infrastructure projects he has started in the coastal triangle demarcated by Dakar the seaside tourism town of Mbour and the railway centre Thiès...

A well-oiled machine

The deal was confirmed by the newly elected President Macky Sall that April when his brother Aliou Sall held an executive position in the company from which he has since resigned...

Mame Mbaye Niang the tourism minister and one of Macky Sall's most vociferous cheerleaders – this month he created the Plateforme Senegal 2035 to support Sall's re-election bid – accused Sonko of plagiarism and being in cahoots with Abdoulaye and Karim Wade...

Seydou Guèye the spokesperson for the Alliance pour la République (APR) Macky Sall's principal election vehicle has accused the opposition of spreading fake news saying Senegal was a beacon of transparency worldwide...

With that income his main political rivals eliminated and any serious challenge from civil society smothered there is nothing to stop Macky Sall...

The biggest challengers to Macky Sall's re-election have both been eliminated in the time-honoured Senegalese tradition by using the courts against them...

Displaying 81-90 out of 161 results.