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Julius Kambarage Nyerere (Mwalimu)

Date of Birth: 13 April 1922
Place of Birth: Butiama, Mara Region
Died: 14 October 1999

Displaying 11-20 out of 72 results.

Farming gamble fails

Some experts familiar with the agricultural scene and government policy detect the hand of die-hard 'socialist' members of the Julius Nyerere-influenced old guard who remain influential in the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party and the government bureaucracy...


Laying down the law

It builds on a series of legal and extra-legal measures against free speech and political freedoms and presages a return to the darker side of the Julius Nyerere years and the one-party state...

CCM faces close vote

Lowassa had built a network of support in the CCM for over a decade but questions about his wealth have haunted him since the late former President Julius Nyerere first raised them publicly in the early 1990s...

Power scandal rocks ministers

Concern over the prevailing levels of corruption in the country has been expressed by Mama Maria Nyerere the 84-year-old widow of Tanzania's founding President Julius Nyerere...

Red flag over Africa

Beijing also championed the cause of non-alignment with its support for among others Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana Julius Nyerere in Tanzania and Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt...

Air Tanzania soars no more

Ahead of a visit from a China Development Bank delegation led by President Chen Yuan in August 2008 Tanzania’s Finance Ministry released a report in which it said that the government had entered into an agreement ‘with CS to develop Julius Nyerere International Airport’...

The battle to succeed Kikwete

His response is that he and his supporters want to restore ‘clean leadership’ to the party in the manner of its Founding President Julius Nyerere...

Gas finds offer hope of ending power-cuts

Orca Deputy General Manager William Chiume is the son of the late Kanyama Chiume an exiled Malawian politician resident in Tanzania and a confidant of former Presidents Julius Nyerere and Benjamin Mkapa...

    Vol 4 (AAC) No 8 |

Manmohan Singh: A reforming economist

He was a Secretary General of the South Commission an economic development think-tank chaired by Tanzania’s founding President Julius Nyerere...

Displaying 11-20 out of 72 results.