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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 31-40 out of 344 results.

Graft puts ANC on the spot

The meeting which was convened by the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation on what would have been the late Rivonia trial defendant's 91st birthday followed a call by the Kathrada Nelson Mandela and Desmond and Leah Tutu foundations the South African Council of Churches and the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution to mobilise opposition to the 'corrupt ANC'...

In virus veritas

EFF leader Julius Malema has been vocal about the need for social distancing and masking up though this did not stop him posing for photos standing very close to family members of the late Zindzi Mandela Nelson Mandela's daughter none with masks at her funeral on 17 July...

The state of Cyril Ramaphosa

Most – with the honourable exception of Nelson Mandela's epic performance after the 1994 elections – have been damp squibs and settled little (AC Vol 61 No 3 Over the rainbow)...

Over the rainbow

The 30th anniversary of then-President FW de Klerk's announcement on 2 February 1990 of the release of Nelson Mandela nine days afterwards passed quietly as investors gathered to survey the gloomy prospects for the mining industry at Cape Town's Mining Indaba...

The DA's race dilemma

The victory has united the country in a way not seen since the Springboks' Nelson Mandela-inspired victory over New Zealand in 1995 boosted the cause of multiracialism...

Dancing the third-term tango

Critics say that Condé is also not only adopting his predecessor's staff but his methods of repression wondering at what became of the man who once claimed Nelson Mandela as his role model...

Zuma blusters at Zondo

When he returned from exile in 1990 Zuma was relieved of his senior intelligence job by  Nelson Mandela  and veteran ANC heavyweight Joe Nhlanhla  took charge of intelligence during and after the democracy negotiations...

Long shadow of corruption over new order

Usefully for his chances of becoming Deputy President again Mabuza was also 'cleared' the day before Ramaphosa's inauguration by the Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane of unauthorised expenditures totalling 5 million rand (US$340 000) on luxury vehicles and 70m rand on a memorial service for former president Nelson Mandela...


The real post-election fight

Ruling party stalwarts who served under former Presidents Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki have spoken up against the inclusion of candidates facing fraud allegations and said that they will challenge any of those selected to prevent them sitting in parliament...

Displaying 31-40 out of 344 results.