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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 331-340 out of 344 results.

Dodging democracy

He says he does not want to stand but he is campaigning against Jammeh's plans travelling even to South Africa to lobby President Nelson Mandela...

Cyril the suit

He was the most plausible alternative to Thabo Mbeki as leader of the ANC after President Nelson Mandela stands down...

When the Pharaoh calls

More tactlessness came when Cairo resolved to establish in the Suez Canal town of Ismailiya the Nelson Mandela University for young leaders from all over the continent...

Banker is as banker does

His authority in monetary matters has never been questioned by cabinet and he gets on well with President Nelson Mandela...

Break for the border

On an official visit to Lesotho last year President Nelson Mandela was asked about the conquered Sotho territories that are now within the Republic...

Which foreign policy?

But mainly because President Nelson Mandela's African National Congress-led government has failed to define any convincing new foreign objectives...

Mandela's front line

All ministers are ANC unless otherwise indicated:- President Nelson Mandela: his moral stature remains critical at home and abroad particularly his unifying role; jitters after any rumour about his health show government's reliance on him...

Super-charged Mbeki

The relationship between President Nelson Mandela and Mbeki (heir-apparent) is being reshaped: Mandela's national galvanising role – the 'new patriotism' that was the theme of his opening of parliament speech – will be emphasised more while Mbeki will take a prime ministerial role albeit with an economic detail...

Viva Bafana Bafana

A week later President Nelson Mandela invoked the spirit of Bafana Bafana in the cause of the ‘new patriotism'...

Displaying 331-340 out of 344 results.