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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 321-330 out of 344 results.

No news, good news

The rapturous applause that greeted South African President Nelson Mandela and his newly confirmed companion Graça Machel widow of President Samora Machel of Mozambique distracted somewhat from the main event...

Go East, young man

Pretoria has moved in a similar direction despite President Nelson Mandela's call on BBC radio for the removal of the Abacha regime after the hanging of Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other people...

The people's land

Renamo Secretary General Raul Domingos (AC Vol 37 No 15) is even more scathing about Chissano's agreement with President Nelson Mandela to allow 1 000 Afrikaner farmers to settle in the sparsely populated Niassa Province...

Changing gear slowly

Unveiled in the swish French resort of Cannes launched in London as part of President Nelson Mandela's quasi-regal tour the new economic policy of the African National Congress is revealed not in a traditional manifesto but in a sleek slim booklet...

Pré carré revisted

President Nelson Mandela's visit to Paris may help French companies win business in South Africa where France lags well behind the USA UK and Germany...

Dust on the diamonds

And like the two other 'Ms' – Nelson Mandela and Robert Mugabe – Masire is thinking about the succession...

Back to the kraal

The ANC appears to be regaining the initiative in Buthelezi's home province: by exploiting its power at the centre to push through development projects there (Public Works Minister Jeff Radebe was a long-time ANC activist in kwaZulu/Natal); by working more closely with minority parties (National Party and Democratic Party); and by trying to hold together (at President Nelson Mandela's insistence) a series of shaky peace deals with Inkatha...

Commonwealth collapse

Abacha's closest advisors are now taking heart that the recent confusion in Pretoria's policy on Nigeria seems to be being resolved in favour of Thabo Mbeki's earlier posture of 'quiet diplomacy' and in this context they now view Nigeria's earlier largesse towards the African National Congress and Nelson Mandela as a good investment...

Displaying 321-330 out of 344 results.