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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 261-270 out of 344 results.

The fiscal fight

Instead of seeing the tax base shrink President Nelson Mandela's government has broadened the base by building an efficient collection agency outside the regular civil service...

Disunited kingdom

BNP leader Retselisitsoe Sekhonyana spoke as diplomatically as he could about the South African action but his supporters vigorously denounced Nelson Mandela as did his opposition partner Qhobela Molapo leader of the smaller Basotholand Congress Party...

The wages of war

It resembles proposals fowarded separately by President Nelson Mandela and Tshisekedi...

Annan and Africa

Among African leaders Annan is closest to President Nelson Mandela whom he sees as a lodestar for the UN; the two speak regularly on the telephone...

My Arabism tired me out

President Nelson Mandela stopped over in Tripoli in October 1997 on his way to and then from the Edinburgh Commonwealth summit showing he would not bow to US pressure...

To a little kingdom

Anyway there is no love lost between President Robert Mugabe and President Nelson Mandela despite a SADC attempt to make peace between them...

Militants and monarchs

Despite pressure from trades unions and from democracies abroad (led by President Nelson Mandela) Mswati III remains an absolute monarch...

Mbeki's money men

' Mbeki backed by President Nelson Mandela has committed himself unequivocally to the ANC's macro-economic policy document GEAR (Growth Employment and Redistribution)...

Displaying 261-270 out of 344 results.