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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 251-260 out of 344 results.

Exeunt sojas

On 29 May more than 30 heads of state ex-heads of state and international dignitaries - including President Nelson Mandela Britain's Prince Charles and Germany's former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt - journeyed to Abuja to see military leader General Abdulsalami Abubakar hand power to retired General and now civilian President Olusegun Obasanjo...

Mbeki's triumph

The one-time military leader of the apartheid-era Transkei 'Homeland' was expelled from the ANC after alleging that Stella Sigcau a minister in President Nelson Mandela's cabinet had taken a bribe from fugitive casino boss Sol Kerzner (AC Vol 28 No 16)...

Gauteng for Mbeki

Yet the arm-twisting which the party has used to pick its provincial leadership has put on show some problems that will be faced again and again by Thabo Mbeki President Nelson Mandela's chosen heir as leader of the party and the nation...

Figuring it out

He has the sole prerogative to choose his cabinet which he could announce on 15 June or after his inauguration - and Nelson Mandela's farewell - next day at the Union Buildings in Pretoria...

Fernandez letter

Who was behind the crude attempt to smear President Nelson Mandela by linking him to an oil deal with Nigerian middle-man Chief Antonio Deinde Fernandez...

Five years ago Fernandez had offered to give the profits of a house sale to the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund but the money had never materialised...

Uneasy peace

President Nelson Mandela on his release from prison in 1990 tried to try to bury the hatchet and failed...

Soldier go, soldier come

He is close to several former leaders including Julius Nyerere Jim Callaghan Jimmy Carter and Helmut Schmidt and has particularly warm relations with Nelson Mandela’s government...

Transatlantic tryst

The institutionalisation of the new Washington-Pretoria axis started three years ago when President Bill Clinton and President Nelson Mandela launched the Bi-National Commission...

Cyril and the suits

The turning point was Nelson Mandela’s decision to appoint Thabo Mbeki not Ramaphosa Deputy President in 1994 after the latter had made unguarded though private comments about the ANC...

Diplomacy with attitude

More discreetly we hear Blair tried to persuade President Nelson Mandela and his heir-apparent Thabo Mbeki to support or at least not stridently oppose the British-USA bombing campaign against Saddam Hussein's Iraq...

Displaying 251-260 out of 344 results.