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Donald Kaberuka

Date of Birth: 5 October 1951
Place of Birth: Byumba

Displaying 61-65 out of 65 results.

A victory foretold

Since the FPR took power in 1994 real gross domestic product has doubled according to Finance Minister Donald Kaberuka and it rose by 9...

Winning hearts and budgets

If defence was soaking up 20 per cent of government spending a DfID official said that was 'factored in' (Finance Minister Donald Kaberuka insists just 3 per cent goes to defence)...

Donor diplomacy

Donors heaped praise on Finance Minister Donald Kaberuka's Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper launched in Kigali late last month...

Advantage Kigali

Finance Minister Donald Kaberuka's budget highlighted the anti-corruption campaign and hit hard at 'prestige spending'...

The fire this time

Finance Minister Donald Kaberuka a lucid and respected advocate of economic restructuring has stayed on...

Displaying 61-65 out of 65 results.