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Xi Jinping

Date of Birth: 1 June 1953
Place of Birth: Beijing

Displaying 11-20 out of 71 results.

Placing faith in future coal

This obvious clash with greenhouse gas reduction goals is even starker after President Xi Jinping's pledge to the UN General Assembly on 20 September to build no more coal power plants outside China in an important prelude to the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow...

A fox guarding the hen house

The rescheduling with China follows an earlier such arrangement in 2019 and was discussed directly between Sassou-Nguesso and Chinese President Xi Jinping...

Condé’s iron resolve

Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Condé on his re-election with senior Chinese government officials offering support to the 82-year-old leader after reports of alleged election fraud emerged...

Magufuli wants a mega-dam

Rumours and hints have recently been circulating that the President had scrapped the US$10 billion project which officially began in 2013 during a state visit by China's President Xi Jinping...

Pouring cold water on the mega dam

In keeping with President Donald Trump's combative policy towards President Xi Jinping's government the US State and Energy Departments have been tentatively dipping their toes into Inga III seemingly pondering if they can loosen China's grip on the project...


The China price

It is also fits with a shift in China's strategy in Africa to focus more on private companies' operations rather than state-backed mega projects as set out by Yang Jiechi President Xi Jinping's Africa envoy on recent trips to Kenya and Nigeria...


Displaying 11-20 out of 71 results.