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South Sudan

Salva Kiir Mayardit

Date of Birth: 1951
Place of Birth: Bahr el Ghazal

Displaying 231-237 out of 237 results.

Running the South

Three deputy chairmen: SPLA Chief of Staff Salva Kiir Mayardiit (Bahr el Ghazal); Commander Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon (Upper Nile); Cdr...

Joy in the South, silence in the North

His Vice-President may well be his popular deputy Salva Kiir Mayardit...

At a marathon meeting in Rumbek to discuss the reported splits between the two 'Doctor John' said he had never contemplated dismissing Salva Kiir and if he did people should take no notice...

Murder by any name

While promising peace in the South it is plotting to overthrow SPLA Chairman John Garang de Mabior we hear aiming to instal his deputy Commander Salva Kiir Mayardiit...

While promising peace in the South it is plotting to overthrow SPLA Chairman John Garang de Mabior we hear aiming to instal his deputy Commander Salva Kiir Mayardiit...

Walter's woes

On 31 October Salva Kiir Colonel John Garang's deputy and chief Machakos negotiator told Kenyan intelligence number two John Gitau that this wasn't a consulate it was 'an intelligence office'...

Calling the shots at Machakos

The SPLA/M delegation led by Colonel John Garang de Mabior's deputy Commander Salva Kiir Mayardit was far less effusive with good reason...

Marching to Juba

Under the overall command of Colonel John Garang's number two Salva Kiir Mayardiit it captured Kaya Kajo Kaji Morobo (West Nile Bank Front WNBF headquarters) Yei and a string of garrisons in a fortnight along with some 60 tanks vast amounts of weapons including heavy artillery (122 millimetre 130 mm...

Under the overall command of Colonel John Garang's number two Salva Kiir Mayardiit it captured Kaya Kajo Kaji Morobo (West Nile Bank Front WNBF headquarters) Yei and a string of garrisons in a fortnight along with some 60 tanks vast amounts of weapons including heavy artillery (122 millimetre 130 mm...

Garang manoeuvres

Last year Garang's number two Salva Kiir Mayardiit repeatedly met Lam Akol in Addis Ababa even reaching a preliminary agreement in July...

Last year Garang's number two Salva Kiir Mayardiit repeatedly met Lam Akol in Addis Ababa even reaching a preliminary agreement in July...

Displaying 231-237 out of 237 results.