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South Sudan

Salva Kiir Mayardit

Date of Birth: 1951
Place of Birth: Bahr el Ghazal

Displaying 201-210 out of 237 results.

Comprehensively breached

The Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) President Salva Kiir Mayardit had warned Parliament in Juba in September that a return to war was possible...

The crisis has been caused by the following factors: SPLM GNU Reshuffle: over two months ago national Vice-President Salva Kiir gave President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir a list of SPLM ministers in the GNU he wanted reshuffled...

Militia activity: a recent increase in violent attacks is widely blamed largely on Khartoum; it is also held responsible for a surge of disinformation such as false reports of leaders’ deaths such as Lieutenant General Salva Kiir...

Southern warning

Lieutenant General Salva Kiir Mayardit (GOSS President SPLM/A leader and national First Vice-President) told Parliament in Juba on 10 September that Khartoum was undermining the CPA and warned the South could ‘revert again to war’...

Southerners also regard rumours of Salva Kiir’s death as a Khartoum provocation...

Salva's shuffle

Southern President Salva Kiir Mayardit wants to get a stronger grip on his government as dissatisfaction grows and tensions mount with the Khartoum government...

Salva Kiir near invisible as Sudan's first Vice-President left on 17 July for a six-day official visit to China which dominates Sudan's mainly Southern oil production...

White Nile sees red in the south

This was unwise given the concerns of John Garang's then deputy Salva Kiir Mayardit now President of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) made public at the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army conference in December 2004 about unaccountable business deals contracted by senior SPLM/A members...

At the barrel of a gun

His enthusiasm for representing the Khartoum regime resembles that of its Foreign Minister; this month he labelled the Darfur rebels as 'terrorists' and virtually sabotaged the SPLM's Juba meeting this week headed by Vice-President Salva Kiir Mayardit to reconcile the Darfur insurgents...

Sanction action

Marathon Oil Corporation Total's partner in the South has pulled out - just as Southern President Salva Kiir ordered Phil Edmonds's White Nile to leave the same concession...

Rough justice

In January the LRA walked out of talks in the South Sudanese capital Juba after President Omer and South Sudan's President Salva Kiir Mayardit - for different reasons - threatened to 'get rid of' them unless they stopped attacking civilians...

The new frontlines

The public row on 8 January between President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir and President of Southern Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit about Khartoum’s failure to implement the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and its use of militias to destabilise the South heralds another year of diplomatic brinkmanship and murderous militarism...

The Southern front reopens

To formulate a strategy President of the GOSS and SPLA leader Salva Kiir Mayardit has commenced talks...

Soon afterwards at a mass rally in the town Salva Kiir demanded that Gabriel and Thomas be arrested all remaining militia be dissolved and that SAF troops not covered under the CPA be deployed to Northern Sudan...

Militias and the South

After Garang's death in July 2005 his successor as national Vice-President and leader of the Government of Southern Sudan Sudan People's Liberation Movement and SPLA Salva Kiir Mayardit proved far more conciliatory...

Displaying 201-210 out of 237 results.