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Nelson Chamisa

Date of Birth: 2 February 1978
Place of Birth: Gutu

Displaying 51-60 out of 63 results.

Opposition watches and waits

At the end a stunned Mugabe was instructed by Speaker Jacob Mudenda on the submission of MDC-T MP Nelson Chamisa to return for a question-and-answer session...

Passing and wielding the baton

Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai's Nelson Chamisa dubbed the reliance on sometimes dodgy telecommunications as 'government by wi-fi' a punning jibe at the increasingly assertive First Lady Grace Mugabe...

So far, so bad

This could see some of their heavyweights return to parliament including David Mwonzora who rivals Nelson Chamisa as a potential crown prince...

Prophecies and fantasies

If the official media can be believed Tsvangirai and his MDC are in little better shape with a faction around Tsvangirai himself another around Tendai Biti the respected Finance Minister and a third around Nelson Chamisa the darling of the grassroots...

Hard winter in Harare

Perhaps stunned by the ferocity of the attack we hear that Biti’s MDC colleagues – Nelson Chamisa (Information) Theresa Makone (Home Affairs) and Tapiwa Mashakada (Economic Development) – sided with ZANU-PF heavyweights Vice-President Joice Mujuru Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa and State Security Minister Sydney Sekeramayi in rejecting plans for swingeing cutbacks this year...

Attacks cause new crisis

Nelson Chamisa the darling of Congress after his performances with the Youth and Women’s leagues went on to overwhelm the incumbent Elias Mudzuri as Organising Secretary and will have his work cut out to keep the lid on...

Three men in a boat

The impressive Biti is effectively the MDC’s number two; Nelson Chamisa is more popular with the cadres than anyone apart from Tsvangirai; Elias Mudzuri remains a distant third...

No rally for the MDC

The MDC's Nelson Chamisa has threatened to resign from his Information and Communication Technology Ministry after Mugabe stripped it of the telecommunications department which he then tacked on to the Transport Ministry of Nicholas Goche...

The MDC line-up

In the MDC-Tsvangirai Secretary General Tendai Biti party Spokesman Nelson Chamisa and Organising Secretary Elias Mudzuri have deep reservations about the power-sharing agreement although several are in cabinet...

Displaying 51-60 out of 63 results.