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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 561-570 out of 706 results.

Fighting for peace

France believes the British-led European attempt to confront Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has merely encouraged him to take an even more isolationist and aggressive line and fears the same could happen with Gbagbo...

The British connection

Britain was the first country to impose sanctions ­ including an embargo on supplies of military equipment and spare parts ­ on President Robert Mugabe's government just prior to Zimbabwe's parliamentary elections in June 2000...

' Although Bredenkamp's association with ACS and with President Robert Mugabe's government has been widely reported in the international press a spokesman for BAE Systems said the company had no idea that Bredenkamp was connected to ACS...

Not too smart

More international criticism greeted President Robert Mugabe's landslide in the 28-29 September local elections but 'smart sanctions' imposed on him and his officials are having almost no effect...

Water music

But while most African leaders accept they have little option but to cooperate with capitalism however much it may resemble neo-colonialism they can still admire the open defiance of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe...

Post Sam, more Sam

Geingob and his supporters have failed to back Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe while Nujoma and the old guard have denounced Britain's alleged efforts to reimpose colonial rule...

Political famine

But President Robert Mugabe's government has been a little more astute in trying to blame those outside government for the crisis...

After the phoney war

Armed guards surrounded President Robert Mugabe as he opened parliament on 23 July...

The man upon whom the succession contest depends Robert Mugabe looks keen to hold on to his job...

Part of the union

The reformers are led by South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki Nigeria's President Olusegun Obasanjo and Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade (even though their own reform records are less than stellar); the dissidents led by Libya's Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi are a motley collection of autocrats such as Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe Kenya's President Daniel arap Moi and Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh who style themselves as African nationalists opposed to foreign interference...

Fame and famine

President Robert Mugabe's 24 June order to 2 900 white commercial farmers to abandon their farms in mid-growing season gives new urgency to United Nations World Food Programme warnings that some six million people face starvation (AC Vol 43 No 11)...

Hungry for change

The crisis threatens several incumbent rulers notably Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe whose government has been deliberately cutting off food aid to pro-opposition areas...

Displaying 561-570 out of 706 results.