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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 121-130 out of 706 results.

Snakes on a plane

The factions supporting the two main contenders to succeed President Robert Mugabe – Joice Mujuru and Emmerson Mnangagwa – are fighting for control of the state airline compounding its problems of poor service and corporate debts...

The government did not make any allocation to it in the 2014 budget and there have been suggestions that support for the carrier which President Robert Mugabe uses for his international trips has often come from diamond mining firms (AC Vol 53 No 2 Positions pending)...

Unsuccessful successions

In different ways President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) are currently demonstrating this truth...

State corruption complicates succession battles

President Robert Mugabe's frequent trips to Singapore are for nothing more serious than treatment for cataracts according Rugare Gumbo the Spokesman for the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front...

Which ANC will win?

Instead Zuma spent the weekend shoring up his local political base before a quick trip to Zimbabwe along with billionaire businessman Patrice Motsepe for the wedding of President Robert Mugabe's daughter Bona Mugabe...

Falling out with the Mugabes

Zimbabwe has confiscated the platinum and copper interests of Hsieh Ping-sung without compensation after he fell out with President Robert Mugabe and his family Africa Confidential has learned...

Wasting assets

President Robert Mugabe had to cut short his annual leave and return from the Far East when his sister Brigid Zvenhamo Mugabe died; she had been in a coma for three years...

Gems may unpick European sanctions

The pressure from Belgium to accommodate Zimbabwean business – especially its gems – may yet clash with the British government's historic enmity with President Robert Mugabe and the governing Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) in the context of the European Union...

Success needs succession

The only certainty for Zimbabwe in 2014 is that the succession issue will not be resolved so long as President Robert Mugabe is still in control...

Ruling party conference ignores crisis

The Mashonaland West provincial capital Chinoyi got all dressed up for the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front conference on 13-14 December but the deliberations produced no breakthroughs – either on the worsening economic problems or the stalemate over the successor to President Robert Mugabe...

Displaying 121-130 out of 706 results.