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Denis Sassou-Nguesso

Date of Birth: 23 November 1943
Place of Birth: Edou, Oyo District

Displaying 91-100 out of 203 results.

France and the Fund apply pressure

Faced with the Denis Sassou-Nguesso system ­ a combination of violent repression of determined opponents and cooption of the more biddable ­ French officials appear to regard the current order as unreformable...

Which vulture flies?

President Denis Sassou-Nguesso has spent nearly US$6 million on lawyers and lobbyists in the United States in the past three years...

The money comes from the SNPC and the client is not the Republic of Congo but Denis Sassou-Nguesso himself...

Washington lobbyists stake claim

Ledeen wanted to keep the debate around the anti-vulture fund bill in the news thanks to public relations agents paid through Trout Cacheris a reputable legal firm whose clients include Congo-Brazzaville President Denis Sassou-Nguesso...

A stolen election, then a coalition

Re-elected for a further seven-year presidential term by a crushing majority according to the official count Denis Sassou-Nguesso is thinking about forming a national government...

A general in waiting

Emmanuel Ngouelondele-Mongo was not the only critic of the conduct of Congo's 12 July presidential election or President Denis Sassou-Nguesso's record in power (AC Vol 50 No 12)...

'If Denis Sassou-Nguesso invites them the opposition will go to listen...

Poungui disqualified

The victory of President Denis Sassou-Nguesso in 12 July presidential elections is all but assured after the Constitutional Court disqualified former Premier Ange-Edouard Poungui on the grounds that he had not lived continuously in Congo for the last two years...

No funeral for Françafrique

Yet no current leader - Presidents Laurent Gbagbo Paul Biya Blaise Compaoré or Denis Sassou-Nguesso - can fulfil the role pioneered by Côte d'Ivoire's President Félix Houphouët-Boigny and continued by the 'Grand Camarade'...

Curbing their enthusiasm

Next month’s elections do not scare the regime of President Denis Sassou-Nguesso...

Former foes return At the elections in 2002 Denis Sassou-Nguesso converted himself into a constitutional ruler five years after seizing power through the 1997 civil war...

Après Bongo

The leading challengers to Sassou-Nguesso Ange-Edouard Poungui: 65; central bank chief measured technocrat; Denis Sassou-Nguesso’s Premier in the ‘Marxist’ 1980s; candidate of Pascal Lissouba’s Union Panafricaine pour la Démocratie Sociale and small opposition parties in the Alliance pour une Nouvelle République...

A filial succession

On 5 May a senior French investigating magistrate Françoise Desset decided (after its third rejection) that a case backed by anti-corruption organisations against Bongo Congo-Brazzaville's President Denis Sassou-Nguesso and Equatorial Guinea's Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo could proceed...

Displaying 91-100 out of 203 results.