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General Sani Abacha

Date of Birth: 20 July 1943
Place of Birth: Kano
Died: 8 June 1998

Displaying 151-160 out of 296 results.

Northern Lights

Sani Abacha's attempts to win a bogus electoral mandate has credibility across the country as a nationalist...

Shariacracy on trial

Sani Abacha's regime (Yakubu is now on trial with Abacha's son Mohammed and his chief security officer Hamza Al-Mustafa for the attempted murder of newspaper proprietor Alex Ibru)...

Who's who in the military plots

Sani Abacha (Kano) Took power in a bloodless coup in November 1993 and died suddenly on 7 June 1998...

Sani Abacha...

Sani Abacha is standing trial for torturing oppositionists and for plotting the assassination of Chief M...

Exit top brass

Sani Abacha's image on 'I believed in it and in loyalty to the then Commander-in-Chief Abacha...

Jumping Jammeh

Nigeria's President Olusegun Obasanjo sees Jammeh as a jumped up lieutenant putschist and friend of Obasanjo's gaoler the late General Sani Abacha...

Not so slick

In Nigeria Trafigura built up its business under the brutal military regime of General Sani Abacha with the help of a joint venture operation called Delaney the Nigerian partner of which is Ahmed Umar the brother of Colonel Abubakar Umara Dangiwa a former Governor of Kaduna...

Africa - where's that?

Sani Abacha and Togo's President Gnassingbé Eyadéma in the 1990s before taking over the National Summit on Africa (which looked like a lobby for Clinton's Africa policy at its Washington rally this year)...

Carlos Cardoso

Compared to Latin America and Asia journalists in Africa were less frequently targeted for assassination but were more likely to be detained and tortured as in Zimbabwe under Presidenr Robert Mugabe and Nigeria under General Sani Abacha...

Displaying 151-160 out of 296 results.