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Joseph Kabila

Date of Birth: 4 June 1971
Place of Birth: Hewa Bora, South Kivu

Displaying 381-390 out of 447 results.

Brazzaville breakdown

It irritates Sassou that President Joseph Kabila despite his relative youth has managed (so far) to conduct a peace process and establish a national unity government...

Nepotists' nirvana

Sandrine Nguesso another presidential daughter; she is married to Congo-Kinshasa's President Joseph Kabila...

Future shock

But he had to press President Joseph Kabila for payment of their wages...

To plot or not

Whatever the truth about the gunfire - claimed to be a coup plot by allies of President Joseph Kabila - the incidents have further wobbled the transitional government already shaken by rows over nominating new provincial governors and control of the new national army...

Ruberwa's rift

A dangerous rift has opened at the top of the transitional government between President Joseph Kabila and Azarias Ruberwa one of the four vice-presidents and leader of the largest former rebel group the Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie-Goma (AC Vol 45 No 1)...

Peace dividend

Mbeki's team included Brenda Fassie a celebrated singer whose lively performance at Kinshasa's Grand Hotel included a kiss smack on the lips of President Joseph Kabila...

Friends wanted

Half of the 700 ex-fighters in Mutobo camp just south of Ruhengeri were from Joseph Padiri Bulenda's Mai-Mai Forces Armées de Libération more than 300 from the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) plus about 50 from President Joseph Kabila's Forces Armées Congolaises (FAC)...

Peace or bust

Officers of President Joseph Kabila's Agence Nationale de Renseignements (ANR National Information Agency) arrived at the Grand Hôtel and arrested Colonel Hubert Olangué of the Congo-Brazzaville army...

After the war economy

7 billion covered territory controlled by President Joseph Kabila's government; now the Kinshasa power-sharing government wants the PMURR to cover former rebel territories in Equateur Province and the east...

Displaying 381-390 out of 447 results.