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Joseph Kabila

Date of Birth: 4 June 1971
Place of Birth: Hewa Bora, South Kivu

Displaying 371-380 out of 447 results.

Battle for the palace

President Joseph Kabila set the ball rolling on 16 October with a groundbreaking visit to Kisangani almost a year and half after he proclaimed an end to the civil war...

Post-war clean up

All-inclusive Even this fairly gentle approach worries the former belligerents and especially those around President Joseph Kabila...

Many influential figures notably around President Joseph Kabila were criticised in the UN experts' report...

Undiplomatic row

Mumba had accused individuals in Congo-Kinshasa of funding the Zambian opposition exposing a matter that Mwanawasa had been trying to resolve discreetly with Congolese President Joseph Kabila...

Massacre questions

Such accounts seem to stand up Kigali's and Bujumbura's warnings of another anti-Tutsi pogrom in the Great Lakes region and suggest that President Joseph Kabila's government in Kinshasa is allowing the militias free rein...

Transition on hold, again

The RCD-Goma's Vice-President in that government Azarias Ruberwa cited bad faith by President Joseph Kabila's Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et le Développement and the gruesome massacre of 163 refugees most of them Congolese Tutsi in a camp in Burundi on 13 August...

    Vol 45 No 17 |

Long haul, slow progress

Amnesty: Thirty people sentenced to death for murdering President Joseph Kabila's father President Laurent-Désiré Kabila include some senior RCD-Goma people whose comrades among them Nkunda are accused of grave human rights abuses...

    Vol 45 No 14 |
  • ACP

No preference

Thabo Mbeki of South Africa and Angola's José Eduardo dos Santos did not attend; Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo was busy in Abuja trying to reconcile Congo-Kinshasa President Joseph Kabila and Rwandan President Paul Kagame...

Send for Tintin

A Belgian judge has issued an international arrest warrant for a senior member of President Joseph Kabila's team Jean-Charles Okoto...

Yes, guv

It took three months of negotiation for President Joseph Kabila to nominate the eleven provincial governors...

The Mai-Mai militias deny that he represents them; they were armed in 2000 by Joseph Kabila and have been blamed for all sorts of atrocities including cannibalism...

Displaying 371-380 out of 447 results.