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United States of America

Bill Clinton (Born: William Jefferson Blythe III)

Date of Birth: 19 August 1946

Displaying 11-20 out of 130 results.

The runaway gravy train

Whitaker is the president and chief executive of the Washington-based African trade consultancy Whitaker Group and previously had a respected diplomatic career as the first ever Assistant US Trade Representative for Africa under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W...

The science of summitry

Under President Bill Clinton who was omnipresent at the business sessions this week diplomatic overtures to African governments were narrowly targeted...

Eko Atlantic arises from the sea bed

Known to have been a generous contributor to Bill Clinton’s presidential election fund-raising efforts in 1996 (at the height of the Abacha dictatorship) Chagoury was able to persuade Clinton to turn up at the Eko Atlantic opening ceremony...

A country polarised

El Haddad was head of the Cairo Office of former United States President Bill Clinton’s Clinton Climate Initiative and is son of Essam el Haddad a leading member of the Brotherhood’s Guidance Bureau...

Faultlines in the foundations

Although foundations run by former political leaders such as Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair and the United States’ President Bill Clinton have less cash at their disposal they often wield greater diplomatic influence...

Usama’s quiet friends in Khartoum

The regime’s virtual public silence contrasts starkly with the fuss it made in the early 2000s when its friends claimed that the NIF had tried in vain to hand over the Al Qaida leader to US President Bill Clinton...

Hillary Rodham Clinton

In 1973 she graduated from Yale Law School where she met fellow student Bill Clinton...

After Bill Clinton’s second term ended Hillary Clinton carved out her own political identity winning one of New York’s seats in the US Senate and re-election in 2006...

Massaging the message

Kagame's other international friends - such as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon British ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair and United States ex-President Bill Clinton - had no such reservations about glad-handing the Rwandan leader...

Displaying 11-20 out of 130 results.