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United States of America

Jendayi Elizabeth Frazer

Place of Birth: Virginia

Displaying 11-20 out of 34 results.

The peace deal that wasn't

The diplomats led by Tim Shortley Senior Advisor on Conflict to the United States’ Assistant Secretary of State Jendayi Frazer were furious that neither Riek Machar nor Joaquim Chissano the former Mozambican President who is now UN Special Envoy for the LRA had spoken to Kony since October last year...

The peace process teams

As Conflict Advisor to Jendayi Frazer the United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Shortley has muscled his way into the Juba peace process...

The soldiers wait in the wings

US Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Jendayi Frazer said this week that there would be tough action from outside if the Annan talks did not deliver: ‘We’ll find an international mechanism if they can’t find it internally...

A new man in Mogadishu

These prompted the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer last week to describe events in Mogadishu as 'out of control' although she didn't concede any US policy failure...

No borders against trouble

Tim Shortly an aide to Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Jendayi Frazer is also currently in eastern Congo...

Tim Shortly an aide to Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Jendayi Frazer is also currently in eastern Congo...

The Ogaden's trickling sands

However on 7 September the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer conducted a whirlwind tour of the Ogaden and back in Addis Ababa described allegations against the ENDF as ‘unsubstantiated’...

Darfur deadlines

That same day State Minister for Foreign Affairs El Samani el Wasila el Sheikh was en route to Washington where he met Deputy Secretary of State John Dmitri Negroponte Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer and other officials...

Caught in the act

He is popular in the State Department say US sources getting on well with Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Jendayi Frazer...

Economy up, politics down

The President may not be helped by copious praise from United States' officials such as the Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Jendayi Frazer...

Washington shuffle

However both Republicans Wolf and Smith have criticised the administration's policy and in particular the strategy of Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Jendayi Frazer...

Displaying 11-20 out of 34 results.