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Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir

Date of Birth: 1 January 1944
Place of Birth: Hoshe Bannaga

Displaying 11-20 out of 436 results.

Politics in a time of war

Also open to debate is whether Islamist groups or the remnants of former President Omer el Beshir's National Congress Party (NCP) which still commands some public support should be represented in any post-war talks...

Unending war deepens chaos

The SAF has other allies such as the Islamist National Congress Party (NCP) and former Popular Defence Forces (PDF) elements trying to regain their influence since their heyday under President Omer Hassan el Beshir's regime...


Political movement warns of civil war

In response the FFC – which was at the heart of the transitional government formed after the ousting of President Omer el Beshir in 2019 following a wave of public protest – said in a statement that threats by both sides to form a government were 'an extremely dangerous issue that will result in the partition and division of the country' and could lead to a 'comprehensive civil war'...


Hemeti's grand plan is stalemated

Hemeti and RSF commanders have intensified their media campaigns arguing that the SAF high command is controlled by Islamists from the ousted National Islamic Front (NIF)/National Congress Party (NCP) regime of President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir...

He became commander of the RSF in 2013 and gained favour with then President Omer Hassan el Beshir...

Reliving Darfur's tragic history 20 years on

This stirred memories of the state-orchestrated genocide under General Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir's National Congress Party (NCP aka National Islamic Front) regime that left over 300 000 dead two decades ago...

Then President Déby Itno was trying to keep open links with Sudan's President Omer Ahmed Hassan el Beshir who was using Arab fighters including the Janjaweed militia to attack dissident communities in Darfur...

Prigozhin tests Putin with an African putsch

The two – Prigozhin and Hemeti – betrayed the men who initially sponsored their forces President Vladimir Putin and General Omer Ahmed Hassan el Beshir respectively...

Yet both Putin and Burhan's ousted predecessor Gen Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir run a system of managed conflict with several competing armed entities under the auspices of the state...

A ceasefire with monitors this time

They came to power as part of an umbrella of different groups that opposed Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir but few had any administrative expertise...

How the generals blew up the transition

For months Gen Burhan allowed officers who had been associated with militias set up under President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir's regime to rebuild them across the country...

General Abdel Fattah al Burhan is relying on other military operators especially the successors to the Islamist Popular Defence Forces that had thrived under the National Islamic Front/National Congress Party regimes of Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir until his ousting in April 2019...


Regional states hold back, for now

The growing presence of ousted President Omer Ahmed Hassan el Beshir's supporters and sundry Islamists around the SAF leadership may cause concerns but Abu Dhabi may share Egypt's view that its ally Burhan has enough control in the military to rein in those figures seen as most dangerous...

Displaying 11-20 out of 436 results.