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Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa (Ngwena 'crocodile')

Date of Birth: 15 September 1942
Place of Birth: Zvishavane

Displaying 211-220 out of 330 results.

Power-sharing for bankrupt beginners

Its ambitious succession candidates Vice-President Joyce Mujuru and ex- security chief Emmerson Mnangagwa are furious that 85-year-old Mugabe has a new lease of life...

The end game speeds up

His successor from within the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front could be Emmerson Mnangagwa or Joyce Mujuru...

Banda boxes clever

He keeps close links with President Robert Mugabe's regime and its leading lights such as Emmerson Mnangagwa...

A diamond power play

Their main rival is Emmerson Mnangagwa Chairman of the Joint Operation Command and former Security Minister...

Mugabe rearranges the deckchairs

During Mugabe’s absence Joint Operation Command Chairman Emmerson Mnangagwa and the generals began to unpick the power-sharing deal garnering keen support amongst those likely to lose their jobs...

Mnangagwa's second coming

As the power-sharing talks falter the star of Emmerson Mnangagwa Chairman of the Joint Operations Command and Rural Housing Minister continues to rise...

Arms and the men

Through his network of military equipment companies such as Aviation Consulting Services (ACS) and Raceview Bredenkamp became an important supplier of equipment to the Zimbabwe Defence Force and a supporter of Emmerson Mnangagwa the Chairman of the Joint Operation Command (AC Vol 49 No 15)...

Arms and the men

BAE’s secret agents Through his network of military equipment companies such as Aviation Consulting Services and Raceview Bredenkamp became an important supplier to the Zimbabwe Defence Force and a supporter of Emmerson Mnangagwa the Chairman of the Joint Operation Command (AC Vol 49 No 15)...

Displaying 211-220 out of 330 results.