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South Africa

Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki

Date of Birth: 18 June 1942
Place of Birth: Idutywa, Eastern Cape

Displaying 521-530 out of 603 results.

War against peace

The government has rebuffed efforts by other African leaders notably South African President Thabo Mbeki to promote dialogue...

Talking left, acting right

The ANC leadership deployed the grand rhetoric of its revolutionary past but more to sustain President Thabo Mbeki's radical image than as a pointer to government policy...

The bigger the better

The Southern Cape Land Committee representing 3 000 land claimants has written to President Thabo Mbeki with their complaints...

Come in, it's private

Sources close to President Thabo Mbeki say he has lost patience with Cosatu's resistance to government macro-economic policies but remains wary of the union federation's punching power with its 1...

ANC untamed

To iron out the long-standing and often fierce quarrels within the ANC President Thabo Mbeki (AC Vol 41 No 4) has convened a National General Council in Port Elizabeth on 11-15 July...

Influence for sale

Given that much is already known about Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore and his good relations with South African President Thabo Mbeki (due in Washington on a state visit this month) many lobbyists may be hoping for a victory by Republican candidate George W...

The region rumbles

South Africa's policy on Zimbabwe's crisis has been run entirely by President Thabo Mbeki and officials in the enlarged presidency...

Military manoeuvres

His job is the third most important in the cabinet after President Thabo Mbeki and Finance Minister Trevor Manuel if one accepts that foreign policy is still largely run from the presidency...

Who's next?

(We hear that if South African President Thabo Mbeki was in ZANU-PF's Politbureau Sekeramayi would get his vote...

Displaying 521-530 out of 603 results.