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South Africa

Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki

Date of Birth: 18 June 1942
Place of Birth: Idutywa, Eastern Cape

Displaying 321-330 out of 603 results.


The bids are out for Thabo Mbeki's services when his term as national president expires in mid-2009 regardless of who runs the governing African National Congress...

Negotiations have already started between Mbeki's office and the University of the Western Cape to establish a Thabo Mbeki Research Chair financed by Germany's telecoms conglomerate Siemens...

Nkrumah's second coming

Although most of the member states sided with South African President Thabo Mbeki Museveni Kibaki and Nigeria's President Umaru Yar'Adua many are frustrated by the slow place of economic integration as well as the slow development of the AU...

The Gadaffi caravan moves on

On the final day of the summit this prompted a showdown with South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki who without needing to name El Gadaffi told the summit in camera that no African leader could afford to dismiss the considered views of other leaders...

The race for the presidency heats up as business joins in

HEAVYWEIGHT ENTRANTS The race to succeed President Thabo Mbeki as leader of the African National Congress and presumably of the nation is wide open...

Other shares have gone to spouses of key individuals on the ANC's NEC including Nompumelelo Maduna wife of the former Justice Minister Penuell Maduna; Thuthukile Skweyiya wife of Welfare Minister and party elder Zola Skweyiya; and Thami Didiza husband of Thoko Didiza Minister of Public Works as well as to Thabo Mbeki's wife Zanele Mbeki...

From Blair to Brown

After some blips over Zimbabwe British-South African relations have been strongly buoyed by President Thabo Mbeki's government's effective macroeconomic management even if the politics comes under pressure as the succession race grows more heated this year...

Eat the document

This raises questions about involvement by Mozambican President Armando Guebuza an ally of SA President Thabo Mbeki and about a possible attempt to smear both Zuma and Sexwale...

A new white hope

The DA has a strong issue in HIV/AIDS where many ANC activists agree that President Thabo Mbeki and his government have done badly...

Oppositionists and activists struggle to shake out the system

The ANC president is also the country's but although Thabo Mbeki wields enormous influence in the ANC he is not all-powerful there and even less so within the party's partners the Congress of South African Trade Unions and the South African Communist Party which hammered him over his handling of the very different Deputy President Jacob Zuma...

The dealmaking begins

South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki who knew the Yar'Adua family when he lived in Nigeria in the 1970s sent a formal note of congratulation to Umaru Yar'Adua on 25 April...

Trouble in the neighbourhood

Guebuza has hitched his wagon to the South African locomotive: Mozambique is benefiting from a rush of South African investors and from bilateral projects endorsed by President Thabo Mbeki's government...

Displaying 321-330 out of 603 results.