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South Africa

Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki

Date of Birth: 18 June 1942
Place of Birth: Idutywa, Eastern Cape

Displaying 281-290 out of 603 results.

Politics of the budget

Finance Minister Trevor Manuel’s 2008 budget was a more powerful statement on Thabo Mbeki’s presidency than the President’s own speech...

Thunder on the left

They said it pleases the rich and fails to match President Thabo Mbeki’s promise to focus squarely on fighting poverty with targeted programmes...

Party probe

African National Congress leader Jacob Zuma’s purge of allies of President Thabo Mbeki is gathering pace with all the ANC’s key policy-making committees under the control of the new regime (AC Vol 49 No 3)...

Divided House in Cape Town

Pomp ceremony fashion parades and backslapping are the usual accompaniments to the state-of-the-nation address with which President Thabo Mbeki opens a session of South Africa's parliament...

Power crisis

The power industry still sees Mlambo-Ngcuka now Thabo Mbeki's Vice-President as a better promoter of its interest than her successor Buyelwa Sonjica...

    Vol 49 No 4 |
  • CHAD

Papers and death merchants

Africa Confidential has established that these Elands had been stocked by Land Systems of South Africa a joint venture between Britain's BAE Systems and a black empowerment enterprise DGD Technologies one of whose directors is President Thabo Mbeki's brother Moletsi...

The party is not yet split

The governing African National Congress is preparing for all-out war between President Thabo Mbeki ­– and his allies in government ­– and Jacob Zuma the ANC's newly elected President (AC Vol 49 No 1)...

Zuma's people on top

President Thabo Mbeki did not attend the first meeting on 7 January of the new NEC which despite the corruption charges endorsed Zuma as ANC candidate for the national presidency next year...

Panic, what panic?

Zuma strives to calm investors but there is anxiety about possible replacements for the respected Finance Minister Trevor Manuel and the Reserve Bank Governor Tito Mboweni whose term expires like President Thabo Mbeki's in 2009...

Displaying 281-290 out of 603 results.