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South Africa

Lindiwe Nonceba Sisulu

Date of Birth: 10 May 1954
Place of Birth: Johannesburg

Displaying 41-50 out of 71 results.

Cyril's musical chairs

The Human Settlements Minister Lindiwe Sisulu has said privately that she will stand as a female alternative to Dlamini-Zuma having been nominated by the Keiskammahoek branch in the Eastern Cape and the Lilliesleaf branch in Gauteng...

No place to hide

In addition to him and Dlamini-Zuma other presidential hopefuls include Parliament Speaker Baleka Mbete ANC Treasurer General Zweli Mkhize Presidency Minister Jeff Radebe and Human Settlements Minister Lindiwe Nonceba Sisulu...

Starting the post-Zuma race

Although Mantashe didn't name them we understand from other ANC sources that the contenders break down as follows: • Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Chairperson of the African Union Commission: due to return home in January to run for the ANC presidency; • Baleka Mbete Speaker of Parliament: unambiguously pro-Zuma; • Cyril Ramaphosa Deputy President: the successor favoured by the ruling hierarchy; backed by business and trying to broaden his appeal to grassroots; • Zweli Mkhize ANC Treasurer General: former Premier of KwaZulu-Natal province with the highest ANC membership; • Kgalema Motlanthe former interim President of the ANC and the country: lost to Zuma in a bid for the party presidency in 2012 and has become an outspoken critic of his rule; and • Lindiwe Sisulu Minister for Human Settlements: former Chief of Staff in Zuma's Presidency...

The ANC’s top hundred

Also in the top ten are other trusted Zuma-allies such as Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande Justice Minister Jeff Radebe Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini and Minister for Public Service and Administration Lindiwe Sisulu...

Kissing cousins no more

After Public Service Minister Lindiwe Sisulu and Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande both African National Congress loyalists disengaged from an ostentatious clinch on 4 February they predicted they would be together for the long haul...

Disrespect for the President

Uncertain terms Most of the younger presidential hopefuls such as Deputy President Motlanthe ANC national Treasurer Mathews Phosa Tokyo Sexwale and Defence Minister Lindiwe Sisulu supported (or stayed neutral) during Zuma’s triumph over Thabo Mbeki...

He is increasingly suspicious of Lindiwe Sisulu whose supporters wanted Zuma to anoint her as his successor...

Displaying 41-50 out of 71 results.