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South Africa

Pravin Jamnadas Gordhan

Date of Birth: 12 April 1949
Place of Birth: Durban

Displaying 141-150 out of 163 results.

Taking sides in the big debate

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan has already said that while there is 'broad agreement on the need for a stable and competitive exchange rate' there is debate about the 'instruments and tactics to achieve this'...

Zuma’s first-term casualties

Ministers within it – Ebrahim Patel (Economic Development) Pravin Gordhan (Finance) Rob Davies (Trade and Industry) Trevor Manuel (National Planning) and Hogan – vigorously defend their own turf...

The Patel alternative

Yet Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan had insisted on the day before Zuma’s blunder that the Treasury had the mandate to coordinate macro-economic policy and planning according to Chapter 14 of the constitution and Chapter 2 of the Public Finance Management Act...

In a league of his own

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan answering a parliamentary question from the opposition Democratic Alliance last week said that lifestyle audits were a long-standing best practice and that the Revenue Service used many sources of information to help to identify discrepancies between taxpayers’ declared income and their apparent wealth...

Tightening the welfare belt

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan’s budget speech in Parliament on 17 February showed that social services consume more than half of all national and provincial expenditure...

The state of Jacob Zuma

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan’s inaugural budget speech on 17 February reassured markets that South Africa was not abandoning inflation targeting and that its deficit was heading downwards...

Walking right, talking left

October’s medium-term budget policy statement by the impressive new Finance Minister (and ex-SACP activist) Pravin Gordhan continued Manuel’s approach but has yet to receive much flak from the Left...

Deconstructing Chindia

New Delhi aims to sign new trade agreements discussed with South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan when he visited Delhi in early January to cement the working ties between the other BASIC countries – Brazil South Africa and China...

Displaying 141-150 out of 163 results.