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Constantino Guveya Dominic Nyikadzino Chiwenga

Date of Birth: 25 August 1956
Place of Birth: Wedza (Hwedza)

Displaying 81-90 out of 103 results.

Fighting democracy – Mugabe's last stand

Tsvangirai has promised that he would allow Mugabe to retire from politics quietly but he and his supporters are ambiguous about others such as Mnangagwa Air Force Commander Perence Shiri and Army Commander Constantine Chiwenga...

Change in Chikomba

Constantine Chiwenga who together with his bumptious wife Joyce known as the ‘Generalmissus’ and as an assaulter of human rights lawyers are among the main props for President Robert Mugabe’s continued rule...

The ugly endgame

Zimbabwe Defence Force (ZDF) Commander General Constantine Chiwenga Air Force Commander Air Vice Marshal Perence Shiri and the Police Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri had publicly pledged allegiance to Mugabe as the sole leader of Zimbabwe insisting they (and by implication the entire armed forces and security services) would not take orders from either of the opposition candidates in the presidential elections Morgan Tsvangirai or Simba Makoni should either be announced a winner of the presidential elections...

Death of a general

Despite his public posturing and close personal relationship with Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Force Lieutenant General Constantine Chiwenga President Mugabe no longer trusts the military and is ever more reliant on his network of CIO officers who have a licence to kill...

Trouble in the neighbourhood

ZDF Commander General Constantine Chiwenga is said to favour a Mujuru sucession as does his predecessor Vitalis Zvinavashe...

Beware the Ides of March

The President still controls a powerful loyalist bloc of among others stalwart State Security Minister Didymus Mutasa Secretary for the Commissariat Elliot Manyika Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono Zimbabwe Defence Force (ZDF) Commander Constantine Chiwenga and CIO Director Happyton Bonyongwe...

Zapping the zeroes

General Constantine Chiwenga Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Force is a frequent guest at the Reserve Bank...

The Spill Blood succession

General Constantine Chiwenga Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Force heads Operation Taguta in which the army identifies idle land moves in and utilises it on behalf of the state...

Brass at the top

General Constantine Chiwenga leads the Zimbabwe Defence Force Lieutenant Gen...

Man with a plan?

The Mujurus share a home with Defence Forces chief Constantine Chiwenga and Air Force chief Perence Shiri...

Displaying 81-90 out of 103 results.