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Abu Ubaydah

Date of Birth: 1972
Place of Birth: El Buur, Somalia

Displaying 1-10 out of 12 results.

ISIS breaks out of its Puntland base

The Al Shabaab emir Abu Ubaydah is in a similar situation and has not seen in public for several months for health reasons...

Last year western rumours also credited Abu Ubaydah with a more senior global position within Al Qaida...

Hassan Sheikh's offensive against Al Shabaab is  faltering

The Islamist militia had earlier shown defiance by convening a large conference which its commander Abu Ubaydah addressed even though such gatherings normally invite attack by United States drones...

Abu Ubaydah gave a 35-minute video interview to Al Kataib the group's media outlet confirming the organisation was ready throughout the region for any offensive...

Clans take the fight to Al Shabaab

US sources claimed that Nadir was number two to current Al Shabaab leader Abu Ubaydah...

Other sources told Africa Confidential that Nadir was probably not Abu Ubaydah's immediate deputy but was certainly very close to him...

Shabaab fight in high gear

Those two Al Qaida affiliates played a major role in helping consolidate the power of Ahmed Godane the previous Shabaab leader – killed by the US in 2014 – and current leader Ahmed  Omar  Diriye  'Abu Obeida' (AC Vol 58 No 18 The split that never was)...

ISIS’s nemesis

Al Shabaab leader Abu Ubaydah could not countenance the merest questioning of his leadership let alone a split...

Shabaab takes to the air

Al Shabaab's leader Abu Ubaydah made a major speech on jihadist broadcast media on 18 May marking the beginning of Ramadan and setting out his political stall scotching rumours of his death...

Abu Ubaydah's speech offers an update on his style of leadership of the Al Qaeda-affiliate and Al Shabaab's strategy...

Analysts suggest that although Abu Ubaydah is known as a Koranic teacher he could not have written the speech by himself because he is not thought to have enough Islamic academic expertise to be able to comment as he did on Ibn Taymiyyah a medieval scholar revered by modern Salafists...

Abu Ubaydah declared that Ramadan was not only time for worshipping but also time for Jihad a point made by all Jihadists...

Heavy priceAlthough the US's Africa Command and the Somali government claim that Al Shabaab was severely weakened Abu Ubaydah reminded that over the last few months his movement had been able to kill over 100 African Mission in Somalia (Amisom) and Somali soldiers which is believed to be true...

Abu Ubaydah had predictable words for President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' repeating Farmajo's own admission that the Somali National Army does not know what it is fighting for...

Abu Ubaydah made another important point to support his anti-government stance: he described the diaspora politicians who populate Parliament and the government as mere mercenaries...

The split that never was

The main strategy of the Somali government today is to force militants to choose between Ahmed Omar Diriye 'Abu Obeida' the Al Shabaab leader who took over from Godane in September 2014 and President Farmajo...

The main strategy of the Somali government today is to force militants to choose between Ahmed Omar Diriye 'Abu Obeida' the Al Shabaab leader who took over from Godane in September 2014 and President Farmajo...

The main strategy of the Somali government today is to force militants to choose between Ahmed Omar Diriye 'Abu Obeida' the Al Shabaab leader who took over from Godane in September 2014 and President Farmajo...

Shabaab's surge

The concentration of attacks in Lower Juba may owe much to the fact that Al Shabaab's leader Ahmed Omar Diriye 'Abu Obeida' (Dir/Bajamal) is from the area...

The concentration of attacks in Lower Juba may owe much to the fact that Al Shabaab's leader Ahmed Omar Diriye 'Abu Obeida' (Dir/Bajamal) is from the area...

The concentration of attacks in Lower Juba may owe much to the fact that Al Shabaab's leader Ahmed Omar Diriye 'Abu Obeida' (Dir/Bajamal) is from the area...

The federation tango

Shabaab – weak and not weakThe internal reconciliation process undertaken by the new leader of Al Haraka al Shabaab al Mujahideen Ahmed Omar Diriye 'Abu Obeida' aka Mahad Omar Abdikarim went nowhere and his failure to reintegrate key cadres in the movement proves that his leadership is not accepted by some of the old guard...

Shabaab – weak and not weakThe internal reconciliation process undertaken by the new leader of Al Haraka al Shabaab al Mujahideen Ahmed Omar Diriye 'Abu Obeida' aka Mahad Omar Abdikarim went nowhere and his failure to reintegrate key cadres in the movement proves that his leadership is not accepted by some of the old guard...

Shabaab – weak and not weakThe internal reconciliation process undertaken by the new leader of Al Haraka al Shabaab al Mujahideen Ahmed Omar Diriye 'Abu Obeida' aka Mahad Omar Abdikarim went nowhere and his failure to reintegrate key cadres in the movement proves that his leadership is not accepted by some of the old guard...

Shabaab – weak and not weakThe internal reconciliation process undertaken by the new leader of Al Haraka al Shabaab al Mujahideen Ahmed Omar Diriye 'Abu Obeida' aka Mahad Omar Abdikarim went nowhere and his failure to reintegrate key cadres in the movement proves that his leadership is not accepted by some of the old guard...

While in some areas its activities are less prominent than last year Al Shabaab seems to be focusing on Jubaland because that is Abu Obeida's homeland and because the cost of intervening is increasingly high for Kenya (despite the business deals made by some of its politicians and officers in Kismayo)...

Security leaks and party splits

Also at the Hamas-Iran Coordination Meeting are Usama Hamdan Hamas Secretary for International Relations who is based in Lebanon and Abu Obeida Mohamed listed as Hamas Representative in Sudan...

This must be Omar Abu Obeida says an intelligence source: born in Khan Yunis Gaza he was for years Hamas representative in Yemen although he lived in Sudan before that...

Abu Obeida (sometimes spelled Ebada or Abada) is a nom de guerre another intelligence source told us...

The online Sudanese newspaper Sudan Tribune wrote in February 2004 that Omar Abu Obeida had arrived in Khartoum as the 'new representative' of Hamas a month earlier 'but could not start work until he presented his credentials to' President Omer...

Displaying 1-10 out of 12 results.