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Josep Borrell Fontelles

Date of Birth: 24 April 1947
Place of Birth: La Pobla de Segur, Lleida, Catalonia

Displaying 1-10 out of 53 results.

Moscow sees a year of transition

In a speech in May EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Josep Borrell referenced the military juntas in Mali Niger and Burkina Faso noting that ‘the growing presence of Russian mercenaries to assist these military regimes has resulted in more instability more exactions against civilians and more plundering of natural resources accompanied by massive anti-EU disinformation campaigns'...

EU envoy to great lakes

By agreeing to Quintin's sidelining EU High Representative Josep Borrell had ceded an important point of principle many diplomats now feel; parties to a conflict should not have a veto over the choice of a Special Representative...

Commission divided over Cairo

Schinas and southern Neighbourhood Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi who is officially responsible for leading negotiations are singing a very different tune from the bloc's foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell...

Security threats multiply ahead of polls

Despite condemnation from the United States Department of State (DOS) France's foreign ministry and the European Union's High Representative on Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell following evidence presented in June by a UN Security Council-mandated investigation team which shed light on Rwanda's support for M23 there has been little impact on Kigali's calculus...

Displaying 1-10 out of 53 results.