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South Africa

Julius Sello Malema

Date of Birth: 01/01/1981
Place of Birth: Transvaal Province, South Africa

Displaying 81-90 out of 182 results.

ANC cries 'mayday'

Former General Secretary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) Zwelinzima Vavi and NUMSA's Irvin Jim have also we hear been holding talks with Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema...

ANC heads for the hills

Zuma's strategists say they believe that the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) the party set up by former ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema appears to have made inroads into the young black urban vote...

Zupta Inc.

Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema is campaigning to have the Guptas deported...

Zuma bows to business

The Democratic Alliance and Julius Malema's EFF joined forces to have the President declared unfit for office over his refusal to abide by the Public Protector's binding ruling that he should reimburse the state for the multi-million upgrades to his retirement compound...

Political earthquakes ahead

The television appearance of thousands of marchers clad in red berets and T-shirts gives an impression of overwhelming popular support which EFF leader Julius Malema a charismatic and highly-skilled politician knows exactly how to exploit...

EFF's economic roadshow

As Julius Malema's Economic Freedom Fighters look set to double their vote in next year's local elections the EFF is attracting the attention of international investors concerned by what they consider the disastrous handling of the economy by the governing African National Congress (ANC)...

Malema is known to command significant wealth despite his earlier problems with the South African Revenue Service and the party manages to get by on contributions from members and credit lines from service-providers for its political rallies (AC Vol 55 No 20 Julius Malema in the dock)...

Cyril looks to his heartland

NUMSA has since been flirting with parties such as the Economic Freedom Fighters of ex-ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema and has taken soundings on forming a new union federation and a new political party as well...

In league with Zuma

The League's National Executive Committee was disbanded in 2013 after its then President Julius Malema was expelled for challenging President Jacob Zuma...

Cracks in the ANC monolith

These moderate leaders fear that since the party saw off the challenges from two breakaway groups – the Congress of the People in 2007 and last year's split by former ANC Youth League President Julius Malema to form the Economic Freedom Fighters – it might not be able to survive another...

Seeing red on Zuma

The other does not necessarily see salvation in Ramaphosa but fears that the party will lose support to Julius Malema's Economic Freedom Fighters...

Displaying 81-90 out of 182 results.