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Julius Kambarage Nyerere (Mwalimu)

Date of Birth: 13 April 1922
Place of Birth: Butiama, Mara Region
Died: 14 October 1999

Displaying 71-72 out of 72 results.

The political poison spreads

Hopes that Tanzanian ex-President Julius Nyerere could bring Burundi's factions together at Mwanza Tanzania were scuppered on 22 April after the government delegation refused to meet Nyangoma...

Offshore, offside

It is even being suggested that the region' s elder statesman Julius Nyerere should be invited to do at home what he has been attempting for the divided peoples of Rwanda and Burundi and try making peace between Unguja and Pemba Zanzibar' s squabbling fragments...

Displaying 71-72 out of 72 results.