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Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi

Date of Birth: 21 September 1960
Place of Birth: Sabatia, Vihiga District, Kenya

Displaying 61-70 out of 143 results.

Down the autocrat's alley

Odinga at odds with Kalonzo and Mudavadi In the vaults of the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties in Nairobi's Westlands lies a legal agreement between the Orange Democratic Movement Wiper Democratic Movement and Amani National Congress binding Raila Odinga not to stand for president in 2022 and deferring to either Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka or Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi...

When Odinga mounted the podium at Nairobi's Uhuru Park to be sworn in his lieutenants Musyoka Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Simiyu Wetangula were nowhere to be seen even though they had sworn to stand by his side...

Political rift will linger

The allocation of positions on various parliamentary committees for which Nasa is constitutionally eligible has led to acrimony between Nasa's constituent parties notably the Kamba-dominated Wiper Democratic Movement of Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka and the mainly Luhya Amani National Congress (ANC) of Wycliffe Mudavadi...

Unpacking Raila's resistance

ExpandingAt the end of October Canon Peter Karanja the Anglican Secretary General of the National Council of Churches of Kenya floated the idea of 'expanding the executive' to accommodate a new office of Prime Minister to be appointed at the discretion of the President a leader of the opposition and two deputies: in effect a constitutional amendment to accommodate the aggrieved Odinga and his allies Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka and Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi (AC Vol 58 No 17 New elections old battles)...

The incumbent never loses

The NARC coalition had collapsed and out of the ashes three newly-minted parties had emerged: the Orange Democratic Movement led by Odinga and Musalia Mudavadi which had broad national support; a splinter group the Orange Democratic Movement-Kenya led by Musyoka and the Party of National Unity Kibaki's umbrella coalition...

The next trial of strength

Scrutiny demandsOdinga's campaign chief the former finance minister Musalia Mudavadi added demands for a full audit of the commission's IT systems and scrutiny of its servers and network systems...


New elections, old battles

Wary alliesThis was new and uncomfortable territory for his more conservative allies Musalia Mudavadi and Kalonzo Musyoka...

A technical knock-out

The decision appears to have been the product of intense negotiation between its principals in which figures such as Musalia Mudavadi and Kalonzo Musyoka said that they could not support a more confrontational strategy binding Odinga's hands...

Hacks against facts

Yesterday (10 August) Musalia Mudavadi a joint leader of NASA with Odinga called a press conference to demand that Odinga be declared the winner...

Murder most foul

Musalia Mudavadi a joint leader of the opposition called it 'a dagger into the heart of Kenyan democracy' and President Uhuru Kenyatta urged people not to speculate about the killers and their motives...


Closer and closer

Nasa's gains owe much to the new-found unity of its five principals: Raila Amolo Odinga Moses Simiyu Wetangula Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi and Isaac Kiprono Ruto...


Displaying 61-70 out of 143 results.