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Julius Kambarage Nyerere (Mwalimu)

Date of Birth: 13 April 1922
Place of Birth: Butiama, Mara Region
Died: 14 October 1999

Displaying 61-70 out of 72 results.

Baby Tiger

The talk is of balanced budgets and market forces while most of former President Julius Nyerere's socialist strategies have been junked...

Julius Nyerere's son Makongoro Nyerere NCCR MP for Arusha said at Magu: 'Opposition politics in Tanzania means everybody for himself and God for us all...

Across the lake

The government tolerates Nyangoma who is fighting Major Pierre Buyoya's regime but at the same time the influential ex-President Julius Nyerere has known Kabila since the 1960s and is close to the Rwandan strongman General Paul Kagame and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni...

Kolimba and critics

Controversy broke in 1994 when a book by ex-President Julius Nyerere attacked John Malecela (then Premier) and Kolimba (CCM Secretary General 1990-94) for lacking leadership and conniving in moves to destroy the Union between the mainland and Zanzibar to 'further their own personal ambitions'...

A bend in the river

'Removing him now is not the issue because the poor man is going so he's not all that important' says former Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere...

Digging in

All of them spent long periods in Dar-es-Salaam in the mid to late 1970s laying their plans and establishing contacts with senior officials such as Tanzania's ex-President Julius Nyerere...

Africa's loss

Accused by President Julius Nyerere of plotting a coup he spent 1972-78 in gaol...

Balance of terror

Local church leaders Catholic and Protestant wrote to Tanzanian former President Julius Nyerere leader of the campaign for dialogue among Burundi's warring factions that the sanctions were causing too much suffering among civilians...

No man an island

Some have called for the 'father of the nation' ex-President Julius Nyerere to intervene...

Buyoya perhaps

This unprecedented OAU condemnation was a result of wide regional backing including from Salim's fellow-Tanzanians ex-President Julius Nyerere and incumbent Benjamin Mkapa who are keen on any solution that will persuade over a million Hutu refugees (from Rwanda and Burundi) to leave their country...

Intervention on the agenda

Tanzanian former President Julius Nyerere who is key to the Arusha process is accused of having opposed September 1994's power-sharing agreement and of trying to reform Burundi's army...

Displaying 61-70 out of 72 results.