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Welshman Ncube

Date of Birth: 7 July 1961

Displaying 51-60 out of 82 results.

Until the stout lady sings

His nominees for the three full ministerial posts - Gibson Sibanda (Minister of State) Welshman Ncube (Trade) and David Colthart (Education) are from Bulawayo and sit in the Senate...

Crime and amnesty

Welshman Ncube Secretary General of MDC-Mutambara and JOMIC Co-chairman said the amnesty issue had not been tabled and the three political parties in the inclusive government had agreed on 'the full application of the rule of law'...

A mixture, not a coalition

Welshman Ncube the long-time oppositionist who chairs the monitoring body for the new power-sharing government is distributing leaflets which read: 'Zimbabwe is our Zimbabwe...

Industry and Trade he gave to his party's chief negotiator (and de facto leader) Welshman Ncube...

A three-legged race

There will be no voting in the cabinet or council of ministers (according to Welshman Ncube law professor and the MDC-M’s chief negotiator) because this would divide people along party lines...

Can the opposition fight and can it rule?

This may be partly due to Tsvangirai’s autocratic style in the MDC and his reluctance to take political advice from the intellectual wing of the party from people such as his former ally Welshman Ncube who defected to Arthur Mutambara’s faction of the MDC some three years ago...

The opposition line-up

MDC-MUTAMBARA: Arthur Mutambara Party President; Welshman Ncube Secretary General; Gibson Sibanda Vice-President; David Coltart Senator for Bulawayo South...

Tsvangirai's transient victory

His deputy Gibson Sibanda lost; so did Secretary General Welshman Ncube Treasurer Fletcher Dulini-Ncube and Elections Director Paul Themba Nyathi as well as the Bulawayo Mayor Japhet Ndabeni-Ncube...

Jumping ship

There is indignation in Matebeleland because the faction led by Gibson Sibanda (Tsvangirai's former deputy) and Welshman Ncube (then party secretary) picked as its leader Mutambara a Shona...

Signs of movement

Until then South Africa’s Safety and Security Minister Sydney Mufamadi was mediating the talks between Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti for the MDC factions and Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa and former Intelligence Chief Nicholas Goche for the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front...

Displaying 51-60 out of 82 results.