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Moussa Faki Mahamat

Date of Birth: 21 June 1960
Place of Birth: Biltine, Chad

Displaying 51-60 out of 68 results.

A battle against the clock

But on 1 May the AU Commission under its administrative Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat said it regretted that Sudan's junta had not handed over power to civilians within 15 days but would allow a final extension of the deadline by 60 days...

The revolution rumbles on

Adding to the pressure for a strong civilian role in the transition the African Union Commission under Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat announced late on 11 April that: 'The military takeover is not the appropriate response to the challenges and aspiration of the Sudanese people...


Whose chair is it anyway?

Undeterred Sisi called the Chairman of the AU Commission the administrative head of the continental organisation Chad's Moussa Faki Mahamat to persuade him to make an exception for the Sudanese junta...

The cost of war

Anti-AU demonstrations in the Burundian capital accuse AU Chair Moussa Faki Mahamat of supporting the domestic opposition and obeying his 'colonial masters'...

Diplomatic differences

After a fallow period for the African Union's regional diplomacy the Chairperson of the AU Commission Chad's Moussa Faki Mahamat has been working hard to restore its prestige and lead on African crises...

Not waltzing in Vienna

That brought a frustrated reaction from Moussa Faki Mahamat the chair of the African Union Commission...

Paris clashes with Moscow

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and AU chair Moussa Faki Mahamat agreed on the appointment of Mauritanian Hassan Lebat former AU Representative in CAR and currently a special adviser to Moussa Faki as a mediator...

Another trade muddle

'The reality is clear that the EPAs were badly negotiated and apart from the SADC most of them have not been implemented ' says Lopes the former executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa who was appointed to lead the AU's post-Cotonou negotiations by Moussa Faki Mahamat at the Nouakchott summit...

Sanctions and splits

At June's African Union summit in Nouakchott AU Commission chair Moussa Faki Mahamat had appealed for tough measures to send a 'clear message to the players to respect their commitments' (AC Vol 59 No 2 Cycle of broken deals)...

Also involved are the African Union Commission chaired by former Chadian foreign minister Dr Moussa Faki Mahamat the AU's High-Level Ad Hoc Committee on South Sudan led by High Representative for South Sudan former Malian President Alpha Oumar Konaré and the 'C5 group' of non-IGAD African countries selected to assist with the peace process: Algeria Chad Nigeria South Africa and Tanzania as well as the Troika of United States United Kingdom and Norway and a few others including China...

Another political fix

However if African leaders have so far refused to host the new centres the chair of the AU commission Moussa Faki Mahamat said that the continent bore its own responsibility for the migration crisis condemning what he described as 'intolerable actions' committed against African migrants on their own continent...

Displaying 51-60 out of 68 results.